Sei que o tempo voa...já estamos a 13 de Fevereiro e ainda "ontem" estávamos a festejar a passagem de ano...
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| Non-revenue water (NRW), or water that has been produced and “lost” before it reaches the customer, is estimated to be around 15% in developed countries and 35%-50% in developing countries. | |
While smoking in public places is prohibited in India since 2008 and local government institutions have tried to ban open defecation practices, 15% of India’s adult population smokes and 50% practices open defecation. |
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In addition to cultural taboos restricting the activities of menstruating girls and women, girls often miss school due to the lack of proper sanitation facilities. In some areas, girls are likely to miss three to four days in a month, which is 20% of total school attendance. |
The simple act of washing hands with soap can cut the risk of diarrhea by 48%. |
In the developing world, roughly 90% of sewage is discharged untreated into rivers, lakes and coastal areas, with a widespread negative impact on health. |
It is estimated that two out of every three people will live in water-stressed areas by the year 2025. |
Studies increasingly show a link between open defecation and child stunting, impeding brain development, cognitive achievement, human capital and poor health outcomes later in life. |
Poor people all around the world who don’t have access to public water services often end up paying much more for water. In Indonesia, this is estimated at 15 to 33 times the water utilities tariff. |
There is no magic recipe for behavior change: a mix of action and integration with public programs provide a strong platform for sustainability. In Peru, a handwashing behavior change intervention reached more than 6.5 million people through radio spots, direct costumer contact events, and activities of front-line workers. |
Behavior change is a process not an event. Supporting behavior change involves providing the environment, circumstances, equipment, information, and logistical and psychological assistance which make it possible for people to take action to change their behavior. |
With innovative approaches to market services, the private sector could tap into a market worth nearly US$2.6 billion in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Peru, and Tanzania alone by providing affordable products and services that meet the preferences and budgets of the poorest people. |
Successful sanitation products require solid assessments of consumer preferences. Products supported by market research are 3x more likely to be successful. |
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Super importante!!! Confesso que estes desenhos tocam a minha área profissional mas são tão claros e com mensagens tão sábias que peço que as transmitam a quem vos rodeia...Todos beneficiaremos com isso!!!
Super criativo
Taras e Manias